Sunday, June 6, 2010

Happy Birthday to Me!

So I'm getting older...awfully close to 30! But, I'm so thankful for another year. I had a great birthday! Josh, Allie and I started our day off at the zoo. Allie was pretty disappointed on the way there though. I asked her what she wanted to see at the zoo. I named off several animals and she piped up "B bugs!" This is the way she says lady bugs. She is very familiar with them because her room is decorated with pink and brown lady bugs. But, I had to tell her that I didn't think they had lady bugs at the zoo, but that we would look for one. She did NOT like my response, but once we got there she was excited to see the giraffe (jaff), elephant (efant), and, penguins (P gins). Going to the zoo with her is so much fun. She excitedly points and yells out the animals names and sounds. Last summer she called every animal a dog.

Then, since Kansans for Life (KFL) endorsed Mike Pompeo (Josh's boss) this week we went to the annual KFL picnic and Sedgwick County Park. It was tons of fun! Allie loved jumping in the blow up toys and they also had a petting zoo!

Allie fell asleep in the car on the way home from the picnic, but she was soaked in sweat and caked with sunscreen so I made her wake up and take a bath. Then I got to rock her to sleep for her nap. Holding my sleeping baby is the best thing about being a Mommy...perfect birthday gift.

Then, Josh and I enjoyed a wonderful date at Felipe's. It was a great birthday!

Playing in the blow up maze at the KFL picnic.

"What's up there?"

Tons of fun!

Trying to catch a duck in the petting zoo.

Still no luck.

Helping me open my present.

What is it? Josh got me a gift card for a massage at Beau Monde. I love it!!

Reading the card she got me

Still opening presents

Me and my sweet girl on my birthday

1 comment:

  1. Looks like an action packed fun filled birthday that you had!
