Wednesday, July 7, 2010

21 Months!!

At 21 months Allie is such a bright spot in our lives. Life has been so crazy you can tell I haven't updated the blog in a while. July will be complete chaos for us, but will also be filled with some amazing memories. Lindsay and Jeremy's wedding, Butler Showchoir Showcase and Election Day are just around the corner! I'll try to update as much as possible, but no promises. Life has been just crazy enough that Josh and I decided to schedule a little getaway after the, lose or draw. LA here we come! We are so excited to take Allie to Disneyland, take in some MLB games and visit some wonderful friends and family.

Allie, at 21 months you:
-can count to 10
-correctly identify some colors...usually pink, green and orange
-sing "Jesus Loves Me"
-can speak in sentences
-climb onto all the furniture
-recognize when you have to poop...sometimes we make it to the potty and sometimes we don't
-are still VERY attached to your "bobo"
-very interested in knowing and saying everyone's name
-can recognize Mike and Wink's commercials on TV...thanks to Daddy's job. When Mike's commercials come on she says " I like Mike" and when Wink's come on she says "Wink...Yucky!"
-are becoming a picky eater
-can say "Love you Daddy!" and "Love you Mommy!"

Smelling flowers

Sleeping at MeMe's

Allie and her friend Harrison. They were too busy to look at the camera.

Allie knows she is supposed to smile for the camera now. This is her posed smile...right eye always closes.

Her "smile" again

Playing with Play-Doh. She is showing me the "sishie" she made.

Allie and Minnie Mouse

Looking at her poopie in the potty!

Sweet girl

Allie's morning routine...milk and Minnie in Mommy and Daddy's bed while watching Mickey Mouse's Clubhouse.

Daddy and Allie in the drivers seat of the Pompeo Express before the Haysville parade

The Pompeo Express

Mommy and Allie

Allie on the steps of the Pompeo Express

Allie and her friend Jackson before the parade

All Star!

Glasses from Linny's bachelorette party. Allie LOVES to wear them.

Allie loves grocery shopping now because I started letting her drive the cart with a car! Why didn't they have these when I was a kid?

Making Jello

Allie's dress for Linny and Jeremy's wedding

All smiles

Olivia and Allie
They love each other!! Olivia talked to Allie so much and was so interested in watching her move around. Allie talks about "Didia" (sounds like Lydia with a D) all the time. We wish Julia, Riley and Olivia weren't so far away in Baltimore, but we are so excited to get these girls closer together very soon.

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