Saturday, July 31, 2010

Three Days Left

Before this year I never paid that much attention to politics. I usually researched candidates and voted in general elections. Occasionally I made note of bills that related to my job, but only because they were talked about in staff meetings at work. But, six months ago Josh set out to get Mike Pompeo elected as our representative in Congress.

When we met Mike and his family we whole-heartedly agreed with his Christian values and stance on every political issue. Although it was somewhat risky (risk taking is not a strength for Josh or I) we believed that it was best for our family and a great mission to serve for Josh to go to work as Mike's Communications Director. It's been a ton of fun, but also a tough road. The negative campaigning by Mike's opponents is more than I could have bargained for. Some days Josh works from the moment he wakes up to the moment his head hits the pillow. But, I can tell you all of the hard work is for this sweet little girl.

You see, our nation is in trouble. I wish I would have become more involved in what's going on in Washington before now, but it's not too late. Josh and I want to do all we can to secure the safety and freedom of our daughter along with all of her peers. Mike Pompeo will go to Washington to fight for just that.
  • A vote for Mike is a vote for a strong national defense.
  • A vote for Mike is a vote for someone who will push for common sense tax cuts for you and your family.
  • A vote for Mike is a vote for restoring fiscal responsibility to our federal government so we don't leave our children with an even larger national debt.
  • A vote for Mike is a vote for a pro-life conservative.
  • A vote for Mike is a vote for opposition to the health care bill passed in March of this year that will cost nearly a trillion dollars, raise the cost of health care, reduce the quality of medical care and destroy jobs in Kansas.
  • A vote for Mike is a vote for job creation in Kansas and all over the United States.

For more information about Mike go here....

If you live in the 4th district of Kansas please consider your vote for Mike Pompeo on Tuesday. Mike would be honored to have your vote.

Mike, Susan and Nick Pompeo

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